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BMLA Veteran's Award

Brampton Minor Lacrosse Veteran's Award

Presented to graduating Minor Excelsiors who have played for a period of more than 11 years in Brampton and either graduated out of Intermediate or moved on to play Junior Lacrosse.

Past Winners

Year Names
2023 Ethan Mann, Ethan Viveiros, Ethan Brassard, Liam Sgro, Gabriele Caschera and Noah Heeringa
2022 Quinn Little, Niky Lowe, Myles Tessier, JAyden Bergie, JAyden Vande Vooren, Jack Lambert, Ethan Chalons, Nathan Ward, Colin Tingay, Kayla Kondo and Cameron Garcia
2010 Billy McNutt, Tyler Ferreira, Connor Sellars, Matthew Bennett, Chris Annerousos, Mark Thompson, Brent Thompson, Nik Matwijszyn
2009 Jeff Sehl, Tyler Laplante, Connor Costante, Dylan Webster, Steve Mathers, Patrick Miles, Nathan Reid, Brandon Cooper